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8 Tips To Get Beach Body Ready

1. Exercise Regularly
Include cardio and strength training in your routine

2. Follow a Healthy Diet
Include fruits, vegetables, proteins in your diet and avoid processed foods, alcohol and beverages.

3. Stay Hydrated
Don’t forget to drink enough water during the day.

4. Have a Regular Sleeping Schedule
Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours/night.

5. Manage Stress and Anxiety
Try meditation, yoga or other relaxing techniques.

6.Avoid Bad Habits
Do not smoke and cut out alcohol.

7. Stop Snacking
Instead of snacking, sit down to a balanced meal three or four times a day.

8. Eat Foods that Fight Cellulite
Reduce cellulite by eating foods that increase hydration and boost collagen such as leafy greens, dark berries, oily fish, fruits and whole grains.