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2024 Fashion Forecast

Flashbacks to Predict 2024 Trends

They say that when one wants to predict the future, one must look at the past, as history has a way of repeating itself. In a more scientific level, published by A.S. Eve for Nature magazine in 1933, the repetition of history would be explained with lots of particles and an infinite time. This means the particles will end up arranged just like before, with the same speeds. So, events will happen in cycles, and history will be like a repeating pattern, kind of like wallpaper.

Fashion world is no exclusion from the repetition, as fashion designers draw inspiration from previous trends. They adapt and reinterpret those old trends to create something fresh. Additionally, cyclical patterns in fashion may be influenced by nostalgia and the human tendency to appreciate familiar or vintage aesthetics.

Normally, before something in fashion becomes a trend, it undergoes five steps. Designers introduce a style and high profile celebrities wear that style. When the celebrity wears it, it gets attenttion from the media creating so the mass hype. When the style is embraced by the large public, it than becomes a trend.

Entering the new year, we are going to present to you styles as seen in the runaways, already embraced by our celebrities and which for the 2024 fashion forecast predicts they will still be a trend.

1. Everything covered in ribbons, bows, rossetes

Nothing gave a feminine vibe more than the ribbons and rossetes in 2023 and they will continue their strong presence into 2024.

Liberta Spahiu wore it in style.

2. Shiny in sequin

This year expect to see it everywhere, from the dresses and skirts to blouses and tops. Sequin will be the reason to turn every moment to a party.

Kristina Baki started the year just right in this photo captured by Edvina Meta.

3. Sheer dear

Sheer may sound as too provocative, but when wearing it right, runaways have proved that it may be the perfect look for your office days.

Sara Kolami has an option for your night out, but with a pencil skirt and a jacket on top, would you dare to wear it in the office?

4. Schoolgirl style

Gossip Girl is making a comeback through the schoolgirl style. Take out that cute skirt and be as flirty as Arbana Osmani in this schoolgirl look.

5. The power dress

Nothing than showing your confidence through the outfit and Cindy Hasho has found the perfect dress for the power office days.

6. Socking it up

Stylish, trendy. Wear it with jeans, skirts, dresses you name it. With a good combination they will always look good. We are loving this combination from Xoerisa Kurti.

7. Slingback heels

A retro look that has made a strong comeback. These chic shoes, characterized by a strap around the back of the heel, have regained popularity for their timeless elegance and versatility. Anetta Beri looks effortlessly elegant in these heels.

8. A bag to put all the emotions and dreams

Big bags are also making a comeback. Is there anything you can’t store in there? Practicity comes in style too just like Rina Berdynaj is showing us.

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