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Stylisphere dines in Japan

A one kind of experience in Arva by Aman Tokyo

It takes one day to fly from Tirana to Tokyo and with Mercury retrogade, it took us a little longer. Therefore, we fully prepared that at the day of the arrival we would spoil ourselves with a fine dining, of course in a Michelin guided restaurant.

We wanted the first dining experience in Tokyo to feel familiar, that’s why among many options, we went for the Arva by Aman; Fine Italian cuisine set in Aman Tokyo. The reservation was done 10 days in advance, because there is no such thing as last minute booking in this famous restaurant. The expectations were high, the experience went higher.

Literally higher, atop a 33-floor building, the impressive cieling reached three floors high, contributing to a sense of openness and elegance. The high ceiling enhanced the overall aesthetic appeal, making it feel more spacious, airy, and grand. It also allowed for better natural light distribution and provided creative architectural elements like tall windows or intricate lighting fixtures. We also loved the acoustics effect, quiet as in a Buddhist temple with a soft music in the background.

The same calmness was perceived from the staff. Very polite and gentle, talking in a calm voice as a therapy for taking the tiredness and anxiety away. They were also very professional while serving the dishes.

As for the cuisine, it is a tribute to Italy’s culinary heritage, but at the same time keeping the local traditions at heart. The fresh seasonal ingredients are transformed into uncomplicated, heart-warming Italian dishes. The name ‘Arva’ means ‘harvest’, showing chefs Masakazu Hiraki’s relation with nature and earth. His culinary approach combines the wisdom of Japanese farmers with his firsthand encounters in Italy, notably in the Veneto region. 

You could notice this blend in the wagyu beef with shiitake mushrooms; the white asparagus, truffle, and scallop seafood; the cute “ice-cream” cones as a refreshment of taste before switching to a different dish; and the strawberry tiramisu.

The wine was the biggest surprise of the night; Japanese wine, in the Moscat Bailey grape. This Japanese grape is a hybrid one with a fantastic aroma, reminiscent of Burgundy, but with floral notes.

We know that our trip to Tokyo has begun on the perfect note. Same as Arva, a city of surprises it is.

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