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Low Calorie Foods

Low Calorie Foods A healthy diet should contain calorie-dense foods, as well as those that are lower in calories. For example, foods high in healthy fats, such as eggs, nuts, seeds, and avocados, are much higher in calories than foods like fruits and vegetables but still very nutritious. Pairing calorie-dense foods like the ones listed […]

Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats – 4 Ways PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY Strawberries Old fashioned oats Raspberries Almond milk Peanut butter CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER Chocolate chips Almond milk Old fashioned oats Banana Peanut butter Chocolate protein powder CHOCOLATE CHERRY COCONUT Almond milk Old fashioned oats Coconut flakes Cacao Cherries Chocolate chips PEACH BLUEBERRY Almond milk Old fashioned oats […]

The Best Time To Take Supplements

The Best Time Of Day To Take Supplements Morning           Collagen Collagen is a key component in bones, skin, muscles, and other body parts. It may help improve skin health, relieve joint pain, and prevent bone loss, among other things. Collagen supplementation provides a variety of health benefits. May improve skin health May relieve joint pain […]

Simple hacks to improve your health

Simple hacks to improve your health For more energy Eat foods with a low glycemic index Avoid alcohol, especially at lunch Add vitamin B12 to your diet Stay hydrated For mood improvement Disconnect from screens and social media Get sunlight in the morning Spend time with friends Try yoga or meditation For deeper sleep No […]

Easy High Protein Breakfast Ideas

Easy High Protein Breakfast Ideas Egg scramble (23g protein) 2 eggs ¼ cup cottage cheese 1 avocado Protein pancakes (40g protein) 2 egg whites ½ banana ½ cup oats 1 scoop protein powder Yogurt parfait (30g protein) 1½ cup greek yogurt ⅓ cup granola ¼ cup blueberries 1 tbsp chia seeds most read Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Top Trending Related […]

Best Drinks for Energy Boost!

Best Drinks for Energy Boost! 6 best drinks when you need an energy boost at work! Water Feeling a little sluggish? You might need water—not coffee. How come? You might be dehydrated. This affects the cells in your muscles and brain, and you might feel that as brain fog or lethargy. Coffee Of course, coffee […]

CrossFit Confidence

CrossFit Confidence Don’t Fear, Just Cheer! If your gym routine feels like a monotonous loop leading nowhere, or if you are something in the middle of a runner and a bodybuilder, but nothing you are doing is matching your style, perhaps it’s time to switch gears and dive into the world of CrossFit. This fitness […]

Cooking with Luga e Argjendtë & SMEG!

Cooking with Luga e Argjendtë & SMEG! Ne në Stylisphere angazhohemi përtej titujve dhe artikujve për të kultivuar një stil jetese të shëndetshme. Duke i dhënë përparësi historive që manifestojnë një jetesë të shëndetshme, ne synojmë të frymëzojmë audiencën tonë për të bërë zgjedhje të informuara që kontribuojnë në një qasje të qëndrueshme ndaj mirëqenies […]

Cooking with Luga e Argjendtë & SMEG!

Cooking with Luga e Argjendte & SMEG! Periudhat festive janë momenti ku tradicionalja dhe moderniteti në kuzhinë ndërthuren dhe arti i kuzhinës zë qendrën e vëmendjes. Si një simfoni shijesh të përcjella ndër breza, recetat tradicionale përbëjnë bazën, duke rezonuar me jehonat e trashëgimisë. Megjithatë, në këtë ekuilibër delikat, inovacioni shkon përpara. Stylisphere, si një […]

Cooking with Kikiliciouss

Cooking with Kikiliciouss When snacking turns into a serious sport, especially when the sweet tooth roars, we often find ourselves surrendering without asking too many questions. No judgments here—guilty pleasures happen! However don’t worry, fellow snack enthusiasts, as Stylisphere embarked on a flavorful journey at Kikiliciouss by Kiki’s home. Brace yourselves for a sinless solution […]