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David Beckham is still a sensation

David Beckham is still a sensation And we are being honest When you think about it, you realize that football is such a simple, not complicated sport. 22 players, one ball being moved around one field. Its beauty however lies in its simplicity. A whole group of people with the same purpose, working together in […]

Besa Kokëdhima

Besa Kokëdhima The Cool, The Fashionable, The Talented The cool I am not one with a good memory, nor do I remember much from my childhood. However, there is one episode that has stuck in my memory. Circa 2005, the radio was playing this one song “Zonja Dhe Zotërinj” and it was the track, the […]

Isida Mollaymeri

Isida Mollaymeri A ballerina and much more Sometimes, we fall into the trap of believing our capabilities are restricted. Instead of asking “How can I?” we default to “I can’t.” This self-limiting mindset becomes our greatest obstacle, reinforced by societal norms. But what if we challenged that inner voice? What if we forged our own […]

Bruno Barbieri

Bruno Barbieri The Fashionable Masterchef In today’s world, making your work and profession relevant and appealing to new generations often involves a combination of innovation, authenticity, and adaptability. Bruno Barbieri is a famous Italian chef with 7 Michelin Stars, a restaurateur, writer and a television personality. He is a master at cooking, the love for […]

Elvana Gjata

Elvana Gjata The Exceptional Artist of The Decade Some argue that great days of art are over, yet certain artists work hard to shake these beliefs; because that’s what a good artist does, they touch the soul, stir emotions, and shift perspectives. We at Stylsiphere go by the idea that there is a difference between […]

The Unconventional Lapo Elkann

The Unconventional Lapo Elkann A Fashion’s Fearless Innovator in the Country of Style Italy’s deep cultural roots in art, design, and craftsmanship have contributed to the country’s vibrant fashion scene. Fashion in Italy is often viewed as a form of self-expression and a source of pride, with Italians infusing their personal style with the country’s […]

Fashion on your own terms

Fashion on your own terms Those who have their own mind on trends Fashion world knows two types of people: the ones that follow every fashion trend, and the ones that create their own trends. Queen B stating: “Fashion is the most powerful art there is. It’s a movement, design, and architecture all in one. […]

Lori Hoxha the “IT girl”

Lori Hoxha the “IT girl” The one who speaks through fashion and work Back in our high school days, us Albanian millennials can vividly remember when a fashion-forward girl would debut her blog. Lori Hoxha, influenced by her love for London and with a keen eye for style, delighted us with snapshots of her daily […]

Grida Duma

Grida Duma The woman who owns her life According to the dictionary, the so very discussed word “identity” is defined as the fact of being who or what a person or thing is; the characteristics determining this. It encompasses the distinct qualities, beliefs, personality, and experiences that make an individual or thing unique and recognizable. […]

Lorik Cana

Lorik Cana A Talented Former Football Player and a Current Sexy One Okay, okay we get it how men as women should not be objectified, but guilty as charged, his tallness, wide shoulders and symmetrical face don’t make it any easy. Now jokes (or not) aside, let’s give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar; Lorik […]