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Horoskopi i Muajit Korrik 2024

Horoskopi i Muajit Korrik 2024 Nga Susan Miller – Përkthyer nga Stylisphere Dashi Duket se po mendoni shumë për karrierën tuaj. Muajin e kaluar, më 21 qershor, kishit të parën nga dy hënat e plota radhazi në Bricjap, të dyja ndriçonin shtëpinë tuaj të dhjetë prestigjioze të nderimeve, çmimeve dhe arritjeve. Mund të keni filluar […]

Granit Xhaka

Granit Xhaka The Player Everyone Fears The Euro 2024 football tournament has come with lots of surprises and records, and one of the biggest surprises is deffinetly the Swiss team, especially for England. While all players have their merits, one in particular needs to be separately applaused, Granit Xhaka, the mainstay in the Swiss national […]

5 Myths and Facts About Squats

5 Myths and Facts About Squats MYTHS 1. Squats damage your knees.2. Squats bulk up your thighs.3. Squats only strengthen your legs.4.You need to do squats every day to see results.5. Squats are only for advanced athletes. FACTS 1.Squats activate multiple muscles: legs, back, and even the core.3. Squats strengthen and improve mobility in the […]