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 8 surprising facts about exercises that will make you more aware of the importance of fitness on your daily life.

1. Exercises make you feel more energetic because the endorphin hormone is released in the blood. Exercises increase the level of endorphins, otherwise known as the happy hormone. Endorphins are peptides that are produced in the brain, whose function is to reduce pain and increase the happiness factor. Exercise and feel happy and energetic.

2. The heart is the muscle that works the most. It pumps 71 grams of blood with each heartbeat. The heart pumps every day at least 9450 liters of blood. It has the ability to beat over 3 billion times in a person’s life.

3. The body needs 6-8 weeks to adapt to an exercise routine. Therefore, it is important to follow a training routine and not change it often, for at least 6-8 weeks in order to make progress week by week.

4. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented and kept under control with regular exercise and a healthy diet. Exercising regularly improves blood sugar, prevents and maintains under control the type 2 diabetes, the pressure of blood, cardiovascular system and lifestyle.

5. Put 200 muscles in motion in just one step. 200 muscles coordinate to make one step. Imagine how many muscles are coordinated every day to hold us active.

6. People who exercise regularly in nature have higher levels of vitamin D. According to researchers at the School of Harvard Public Health, people who exercise regularly in the nature have higher levels of vitamin D and HDL (good) cholesterol.

7. Muscle mass decreases by 3-8% every 10 years after the age of 30. Sarcopenia, involuntary wasting of muscle mass and strength, is one of the most obvious symptoms aging. After 30, measures muscle mass declines by about 3-8% every decade. After the age of 60, the rate of decline is even higher.

8. Only 11% of people who lose weight can control it only by following the diet. According to the National Weight Control Registry, 89% of people who follow a combination of diet and exercise can maintain their weight loss for more than a year.