The cozy atmosphere of a home and the outward-facing aspect of an art gallery come together in a centrally located apartment in Rome.
Saturday left us inspired by the renovation of this centrally located apartment in Rome.

The owners, a couple of art collectors, requested for “a blank canvas”, a space where they could place their many works. For the architects, Giovanni Tamburro and Giorgia Castellani of Substratum Studio , this was the mandate to create the apartment, combining the intimate and private dimension of a home with the extrovert and public character of an exhibition gallery.

What stands out unavoidably is the fluidity that this home has. Enhancing the space, the connection between the rooms is not interrupted, and creates views and continuity.

The “less is more” furnitures, such as poltrone by Poliform , sofa by Poltrona Frau and lamps from Davide Groppi and Flos give opportunity for the constantly changing art works to catch our eye.

And as art will never be able to exist without some nature, the architects succeded for the windows of the living area and the study with the thin gray frames, designed like botanical paintings, to be the focal points.

A home, or an art exhibition? It is without doubt a place where we want to be invited!